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What does it mean to be holy?

June 19, 2023

If you grew up Catholic, you probably remember being encouraged as a young child to be “holy like the saints.”

When put in this context, holiness seemed unattainable for those of us who, while not bad people, certainly are not saints. But a careful reading of the Gospels gives us a different understanding of what it means to be holy. Holy people accept the mission of Christ to help build the Kingdom. St. Paul tells us that holy people try to run their household well and raise their children right (see chapter 3 of the First Book of Timothy). Holy people talk to God through prayer, but they do not necessarily go on retreat and pray for days on end. The Benedictine motto, ora et labora , is a good guide for anyone trying to live a holy life. It means “Pray and work.” And seek God in all things.

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