

Through the Sacrament of Confirmation, the Holy Spirit strengthens the graces received at Baptism, provides more of them, and seals them all inside our soul – like a carefully wrapped present! This brings us closer to Christ and better prepares us to face the daily challenges of Christian life. At Confirmation, we accept God’s mission to bring the Good News to all people and we receive courage and the power of the Holy Spirit, as the early disciples did at Pentecost.

Preparation to Confirm our faith in Jesus Christ begins at Baptism. Within the Family Faith Formation program, preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation takes place over a two-year period. Specific materials will be provided families beginning in seventh grade to learn about the many gifts, fruits and power of the Holy Spirit. The Sacrament of Confirmation is conferred at the beginning of freshman year.

Family Faith Formation Journey Handbook


All Catechists and Assistants are required to attend Protecting God's Children training and have an updated Background Check. We encourage all parents to attend Protecting God's Children training and submit a background check, as it is required for all volunteers who work with children

  • If you have already attended training, you will need to provide a copy of your certificate.  If you have not attended training, you can sign up for a class on
  • Background checks are also done through You must have an active Virtus account to complete the background check.

If you have any questions about Protecting God's Children Training or background checks, please contact the Parish Office at 630-416-3325

Parish Faith Formation

Deacon John Ripoll

Director of
Parish Faith Formation


Student Faith Formation

Jacqueline Skelly
Director of Student Faith Formation

630-416-1992 x6352

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