Pastoral Council

Pastoral Council

The Parish Pastoral Council is a community of faith, centered in prayer, discernment and vision and oversees the overall well-being of the Parish. Its primary work is strategic pastoral planning. Its secondary work is consultative, proposing practical solutions to the ongoing life of the Parish. It is the responsibility of the Council to empower the Parish through the various Parish Commissions to assure that the Parish mission is accomplished. All parishioners can participate in the religious and secular activities of our faith community through the Pastoral Council and Commissions.

As the arms of the Pastoral Council, they complement and support the work of the Council. Commissions have three purposes: alignment, coordination and communication. They serve as a conduit between the Council and the ministries. Commissions help define and support Parish goals through their ministries, being fully engaged in the strategic pastoral planning process. They play a vital role in keeping ministries connected and maintaining an integrated presence.

Pastoral Council Chair:

Terry Klatt


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