Reconciliation is a sacrament that requires a fundamental understanding of right and wrong. This sacrament celebrates the continual forgiveness that God extends to us. The focus is on God’s mercy and willingness to always forgive us. It is through the power of the Holy Spirit that we are moved to recognize our sinfulness, to express our sorrow, and to ask for God’s forgiveness.
Through our Family Faith Formation program, beginning when a child enters kindergarten, children learn about the gift of God’s unconditional forgiveness. The Sacrament of First Reconciliation happens prior to receiving the Sacrament of First Eucharist, after participating in Family Faith Formation for at least two years, usually in second grade.
Older children will be prepared to receive First Reconciliation after participating in Family Faith Formation for at least two years.
Deacon John Ripoll
Director of
Parish Faith Formation
Jacqueline Skelly
Director of Student Faith Formation
630-416-1992 x6352