Saturday: 5:00pm
Sunday: 8:30am ~ 10:00am ~ 11:30am
Lenten Giving Project
St. Joseph Mission in Ethiopia
This year’s Lenten Giving Project will help support the St. Joseph Mission in Ethiopia. Fr. Miguel Guillen, M.J., is a Missionary of St. Joseph and serving in the village of Chena. The needs of this parish are many and include building a new church, providing water to the mission house and construction of lodging for their volunteers. Your donations will help to realize these crucial needs. Donations can be made by using the Lenten Giving Bag (distributed on Ash Wednesday) and returning it on Palm Sunday, by giving online through WeShare or by writing a check to SES with Lenten Giving-Ethiopia written in the memo section
The Way of the Cross, also known as Stations of the Cross, will take place each Friday during Lent.
The Way of the Cross began in the earliest days of the Church, and in the 1500s, replicas of the steps Jesus took along His path to Calvary began to be mounted on walls. There are several versions of The Way of the Cross, and each Friday we will use a different version. Please join us as we follow The Way of the Cross, and spend 14 minutes in Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament afterwards. Contact Deacon Gerard with questions:
March 28 - 6:00pm
April 4 - 6:00pm
April 11 - 6:00pm
April 18 - 3:00pm
Because of Holy Week starting on Palm Sunday, April 13, SHOP-SES will be available in the lower level the weekend of April 5-6. Plan for your Easter festivities early and use SHOP-SES cards for your shopping needs. This is Free money for our parish. You can also purchase cards at the parish office during normal hours by sending an e-mail to, or calling the parish office at 630-416-3325.
Lenten Reconciliation
Thursday, April 10
Easter Egg Hunt
Sponsored by: Knights of Columbus
Saturday, April 12
1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
Lower Level parking lot area at SES
Ages: 11 and under
(May be accompanied by parent, etc.)
Eggs contain candy
Plus, several eggs have SHOP-SES gift certificates
Please bring your own collection containers
Please park in Upper Level
Will be cancelled if weather is bad
Holy Week Schedule
Holy Thursday – April 17
Morning Prayer: 8:15 am
Liturgy of the Lord’s Supper: 7:00 pm
(Adoration of the Eucharist will follow in the Day Chapel)
Night Prayer: 11:45pm
Good Friday – April 18
Morning Prayer: 8:15 am
Stations of the Cross: 3:00 pm
Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion: 7:00 pm
Holy Saturday – April 19
Morning Prayer: 8:15 am
Blessing of Easter Food: 1:00 pm
Easter Vigil Mass: 7:30 pm
Easter Sunday – April 20
8:00 am - 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
(Please Note: There is no parking on 87th Street)
All Parish Offices will be closed on Friday, April 18 and Monday, April 21
Save the Date!
St. Vincent de Paul Collection Truck at SES - May 3&4
Anointing of the Sick
Sunday, May 18 - 10:00 am Mass
Please join us for the BEST WEEK OF THE SUMMER!
St. Elizabeth Seton's Vacation Bible School, July 21-25, 9 am to noon
This year's theme is Scuba where children will dive into a deep friendship with God. Children entering kindergarten through 5th grade are invited to participate. Students entering 6th grade and up are invited to join the VBS Leadership team. The cost is $40 per child (parishioner) and $20 for student leaders. Registration materials are available on our website at REGISTER TODAY!! Spaces are limited. Registration will open to non parish members on May 1 with a cost of $60 per child. Any questions, please contact Jacqueline Skelly at 630-416-1992.
PLEASE IGNORE any email messages from Father Scott Huggins or any of the deacons or staff from St. Elizabeth Seton that are asking for a favor, asking you to call a number or asking you to buy gift certificates. These emails are scams! We have been notified that some of our parishioners are receiving these emails and want to assure all of you that no one from St. Elizabeth Seton is sending them directly. Please do not respond or call the number within the email.
If you have an adult child who no longer attends St. Elizabeth Seton because they are married or have moved from your home, please let us know so we can update your family records. It is important for us to maintain accurate membership counts for our census report to the Diocese. Please reply to this email, send an email to or contact the Parish Office at 630-416-3325 to let us know!
Many households are disconnecting their landlines and using their cell phones as their primary form of contact. In order to keep our database and phone directory up to date, we need to know if your contact information has changed. If you no longer have a landline, do you want your cell phone number to be used as the primary contact? Do you want it published in the annual phone directory? Please contact the Parish Office at 630-416-3325 or email to let us know!
Please contact the Parish Office or see the weekly bulletin to get more information on these upcoming events.