Perpetual Adoration Chapel

Perpetual Adoration Chapel


Sunday–Saturday: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm (No code needed to enter)
(Door Code is needed before 8:00 am and after 5:00 pm daily)

Please consider choosing an hour and become a committed adorer. Our very own Adoration Chapel provides the ability to come and pray before Jesus and listen to HIS answers. If we wish to continue to have our Adoration Chapel remain open, WE NEED MORE COMMITTED ADORERS.

Just call: 630.335.7704
Chapel email:

The closest thing to heaven on earth - that’s what Mother Teresa said of visiting Jesus in Adoration. You will experience this heaven on earth
in our John Paul II Eucharistic Adoration chapel
24 hours a day/7 days a week.


On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of our chapel's opening in 2012, several of our adorers gave witness to what adoration means to them.

Chapel Guidelines:

Suggestions for adorers:
Our chapel is open for all from 8 am until 5 pm. During the nighttime hours, there is a key code that needs to be entered to go into the adoration chapel. All regularly scheduled adorers are given the code.

  • Please review the emergency procedures from time to time.
  • Check the bulletin board of the chapel when you enter, for timely announcements of interest.
  • Keep your hourly coordinator informed of your schedule if it changes.
  • When you need a substitute, you might call someone you know who has never prayed in the chapel. If that doesn’t work, call the sub list.
  • Continue to lift up to the Lord, the petitions in our Book of Prayers. What a comfort to know that others are praying for our needs – 24 hours a day!
  • Please always sign in – even if your visit is a short one.
  • Bring a friend with you to your holy hour or invite a family member.

Guidelines for regularly scheduled adorers and substitutes:

  • Get to know the people on your hour – they are your “prayer buddies”.
  • If possible be a few minutes early for your holy hour.
  • Please sign in on the right side of the book under your specific hour. Subs, mention who you’re subbing for, as well as your name.
  • If you wish, choose some spiritual reading materials from our library shelves. We have a Holy Bible and several rosaries available, as well. Please return these materials for others to enjoy.
  • Enter the chapel quietly.
  • Pray, read, listen. Anticipate the gifts the Lord has planned to give you today. Cherish this time.
  • At the end of your hour, make sure that someone has arrived who will cover the next hour. Do NOT leave the Blessed Sacrament alone. If you’re not sure that the person who comes in plans to spend the next hour in the chapel, ask them.

Guidelines for drop-in visitors:

  • Stop by the chapel to spend time with the Lord, at any time, any day.
  • Please sign your name (and parish) on the left sheet of the “Sign In” book for visitors.
  • If you wish, choose spiritual reading materials as described above.
  • Stay as long as you like. Spend some quiet time with Jesus present in the Blessed Sacrament.
  • If you find yourself alone in the chapel, please stay until the next scheduled adorer arrives. Do NOT leave the Blessed Sacrament alone.

Thanks for your cooperation in keeping our chapel the beautiful, safe haven it was meant to be!

What do I do when I get there?

Whether it’s your first time or your 100th, know that Our Lord waits in joyful anticipation of your visit with Him in the Most Blessed Sacrament!

Relax in His Presence and let the Holy Spirit gently lead you.

Here are a few guidelines to help you:

Please sign in at the table each time you visit, whether a regular adorer, substitute, occasional visitor or guest. We also encourage you to anonymously add your petitions to our book so all may pray for your needs. You may also wish to add any favors granted to you by our Lord to our Testimonials book.

Feel free at this time to chose a prayer book, Bible or pamphlet to take into the chapel with you, if you wish. Please return them to the table as you leave. You may also want to bring a favorite prayer book or your rosary from home.

Enter the chapel and genuflect (or deeply bow if you are unable to kneel) as you approach Jesus, truly present, Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity, in the Blessed Sacrament.

Sit or kneel, and gaze upon our Lord exposed in the window of our tabernacle. Pray to Him with your heart, or with the materials you have brought to aid you. Perhaps you might wish to journal your thoughts, or even write a love letter to Jesus–what a powerful experience this can be!

Or just simply be with Him, listening for what ever He wants to say to you. Closing your eyes, listening to the incredible gifts of your own breath and heart beating in thanks can be a wonderful way to center yourself in personal prayer.

Please remember to pray for the needs of your family, parishioners and fellow adorers, especially for Our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, and for Bishop Sartain, our priests, Father Tom, Father Ernie and Father Jim, whose support and prayers have helped to make Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration a reality here at St. Elizabeth Seton.

Here are a few gentle reminders to help us all to be considerate of our fellow adorers and parish staff members who share use of the building where the chapel is located:

  • Be sure all doors are latched tightly when you enter; DO NOT leave door ajar
  • The back parish office door is for restroom access only; use front door for parish business
  • If you are obtaining a sub during evening/ early morning hours, be sure to give the sub the security code so they can get in and make sure they know which “night” to come.

Thanks for your cooperation in keeping our chapel the beautiful, safe haven it was meant to be!


Children's Adoration

On the first Sunday, at 4:00 p.m., we’ll offer an hour of guided adoration in the Pope John Paul II Adoration Chapel especially for children. Parents or Grandparents: please bring your children to Jesus in the Eucharist to hear a Scripture reading, pray a decade of the Rosary, sing a song, and unite your heart with Jesus in a Spiritual Communion with quiet time after each one. This silence will allow you and your children to hear HIM speak to you in your heart. Your children may only stay for ten or fifteen minutes and that is wonderful. The grace you will receive will be ABUNDANT!!


You do not have to call ahead to reserve a space and you don’t have to register.


Why would I want to come to the chapel?
Come to visit Jesus, who is present here, body and soul, just as when He walked in Galilee. Come because Our Lord has so many graces and blessings to shower upon you when you are in His presence. Come because you have so many blessings in your life and you wish to thank Him in person. Come because you are troubled, and He will ease your burden. Come because you love Him. Come because He loves you!

Where is the chapel?
Our beautiful chapel is located in the Parish Center at 2220 Lisson Road on the South West corner of the parking lot. Enter from the parking lot. Follow the signs. During hours of darkness, you will need a pass code to enter the chapel. See your adorer’s packet or ask your hourly coordinator.

Is there someone always praying in the chapel?
Yes, there are scheduled adorers 24 hours a day. If you’d like to sign up for an hour each week call number on the back of this brochure. If you would like to just make a visit, please come and see.

What if I must leave the chapel before my hour is up?
Follow the Emergency Procedure Manual in the sign in area. Be familiar with the procedures outlined in your adorer’s packet.

What if I can’t make it to my regularly scheduled time?
Check with your prayer buddies first. If they plan to be there, just let know them that you’ll be gone. If they are planning to be away also, call in advance to get a sub.

What if I can’t find a substitute?
all your hourly coordinator or the Divisional Leader. See phone numbers in your adorer’s packet or in the Emergency Procedure Manual.

What if I don’t know what to say to Jesus?
That’s okay; maybe He wants to say some things to you! Take some time to just be in His presence and listen. There are many booklets on the shelves to help you get started in your conversations with Jesus.

What if I have a question or a suggestion about something not listed in this booklet?
Please feel free to call your hourly or divisional coordinator, or any of the Adoration Committee members listed in your packet.

What if I would like other adorers to pray for my needs?
You can enter any petition (a request you have of God), in our Petitions Book. You needn’t write down specific names — just “for my sister who has cancer,” etc. All adorers pray for these intentions whenever they are in the chapel. Be persistent in prayer–don’t just ask once and give up! Feel free to browse the petitions of others before entering the chapel, and hold these intentions in your heart.

What if God has answered my prayers?
Praise Our Lord! If you wish, we have a book of “Answered Prayers”. Write down a short account of how God has come to your aid so others may know His goodness. Let the light of Christ shine through you!

Can I bring children?
Yes! The Lord says to bring the little ones to Him. Please instruct your children to be quiet when they are in the chapel as a courtesy to others.

Can I invite a friend to come with me?
Of course, please encourage those in your family and friends near and far to come to the chapel for quiet prayer time with the Lord.

Is there a phone or restroom available?
Yes, the phone is for emergencies. It is located on a little table by the library bookcase. To visit the restroom, you go through the door near the phone, up two steps and the restroom is marked right there.

To become an adorer or sub at ANY hour, or for more information about our Adoration Chapel, please email

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