The mission of the Parish Life Commission is to help create and encourage an environment for the people of St. Elizabeth Seton to build connections to the parish community outside of the traditional worship services. The role of the Commission is to assist in making the Parish a center for each person to share their talents in both social and spiritual activities, while keeping God as their focus.
Sunday Coffee and Donuts: This group is responsible for providing and serving donuts, juice and coffee once a month after the Sunday Masses. The service has become a special tradition at St. Elizabeth Seton, giving us another affectionate title, “The Donut Church,” from some of our youth! It is a vital expression of our claim to be a welcoming, hospitable, faith community. The committee coordinates the ordering and pick-up of the refreshments and schedules servers and clean up crews.
Knights of Columbus: St. Elizabeth Seton Council, Knights of Columbus was established in 1989 for the men in the parish. Following the spiritual guidance of the parish priests, our goal is to work with the leaders of the parish to enhance the parish community through service projects and works of mercy. K of C’s are probably most recognized for the annual Tootsie Roll Drive to benefit people with intellectual disabilities. Other events that the Knights have either assisted with or sponsored are: SHOP-SES, Community Blood Drives, Fish Fry, Pancake Breakfast and the Annual Basketball Free-throw Championship. Many of the Knights also serve as Eucharistic Ministers, Greeters, Lectors, members of the Adult Choir, and have helped with Bible Studies, That Man is You (TMIY) and many other parish ministries. The Knights of Columbus are a worldwide Catholic family fraternal service organization. Membership is open to all Catholic men, age 18 years or older. To join the SES Knights of Columbus, email
Social Gatherings: St. Elizabeth Seton has a rich tradition of warm and welcoming social activities. Many of these activities are sponsored by other parish organizations. The Parish Life Commission supports these activities and facilitates additional parish wide social gatherings. This commission initiates socials such as the parish picnic, fish fry, and anniversary celebrations. They are always looking for clever, creative, and enthusiastic helpers for their events!!