The Parish Finance Council assists the pastor in the administration of parish temporal matters. It is a key element for promoting the financial health of a parish, assuring accountability, and assisting the pastor. This body has both an advisory and consultative role with the pastor.
The Parish Finance Council plans, provides for and supervises the financial affairs and physical properties of the Parish. They collaborate with the Pastor and the parish staff on the inspection, maintenance, and repair of all parish buildings, internal and external. They also give advice on computer, telephone, internet, and audio/visual matters.
The Parish Finance Council provides guidance to the Pastor and the parish staff in the preparation of the parish budget. Throughout the year, they monitor the financial progress of the parish. They continue to explore and develop new and creative ways to fund the parish’s capital improvements as well as the Sunday offering. They strive to oversee and be good stewards of the monies entrusted to the Parish by parishioners.
Shop-SES: Shop-SES is a stored-valued card program in which the parish is able to purchase stored-value cards from over 500 retailers at a discount. By selling the stored-valued cards at face value the parish is able to generate additional funds while providing the parishioners the full value of the cards.