Each year the Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus on a Friday19 days after Pentecost. The Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is also a special day of prayer for the sanctification of priests. Since the solemnity usually falls in June, the Church has dedicated the month of June to the Sacred Heart.
The image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus represents his physical heart and his love for all mankind. Say the prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus often in thanks for the gift of Jesus’ love and for the priests who extend that love through their work in the name of the Church.
Sacred Heart of Jesus,
today I wish to live in you,
in your grace,
in which I desire at all costs to persevere.
Keep me from sin
and strengthen my will
by helping me to keep watch
over my senses,
my imagination
and my heart.
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