Daily Reading and Prayer

Daily Reading and Prayer

July 2023

July 19, 2023
Mt 11:25-27 Jesus, after chastising those religious experts who have rejected him, rejected God, now turns to the Father praising those who are childlike, open to all that Jesus say and does in the name of the Father. Their innocence allows them to be open. You bless us with open minds and hearts that lead us further into friendship with you....
July 19, 2023
“By calling sinners to his table, [Jesus] heals them, restoring to them the vocation that they believed had been lost and which the Pharisees had forgotten: that of being guests at God’s banquet.” — Pope Francis Reflection: With whom do you share meals on a regular basis? How are your interactions at table similar to or...
July 19, 2023
by Maria Wiering (OSV News) — “He was the world’s flower and glory, and has rendered superfluous the writings of doctors (of theology) who shall come after him.” St. Albert the Great is said to have exclaimed these words upon the news of the death of St. Thomas Aquinas, his former student, in 1274 at age 48....
July 18, 2023
Mt 11:20-24 Jesus puts out a stern warning to the people in the Galilean cities. Their rejection of him, rejection of his Father will have consequences as has happened in the past. Are the mighty deeds he has done not enough for them to know him and to turn to him? Rejection of you is so clear in this ongoing period of anger, repression and...
July 17, 2023
Have you ever looked through a pair of binoculars and marveled at how close something in the distance can appear? This impression is even stronger when we gaze at the stars through a telescope or view images recorded from satellites that are many miles above us in space. Suddenly, we find ourselves able to focus on something that was previously unapproachable. The object was there, we just could not perceive it without help. Perhaps this is a good image for us to consider when we think about our faith in Christ. Without the vision of faith, God seems distant and unapproachable. When we develop eyes of faith, we see the world and all who dwell in it, and then perceive God’s creative hand. We interact with others and recognize the presence of the Holy Spirit; we experience love, forgiveness and mercy through another or in a special way in the sacraments, and we know Christ in our midst. When we keep our sight fixed on Christ, God is closer than we dare imagine. Such vision is a matter of faith, and of commitment. It is easy to lose this vision, due to difficult life circumstances or through simple indifference — we become numb to the glory of God and more readily see the things of the world, the activities of our lives, the mundane. Living in this way, we play it safe. When we are numb to God’s grace in our midst, the Gospel will not challenge us. We are more likely to be dissatisfied and unsettled in our lives, always seeking something that is beyond our grasp. This month, think about how you might develop “binoculars” for your spiritual life — ways that will help you to fix your sight on Christ while keeping God’s love and the call to share it closely in your vision. This article comes to you from Grace In Action (Our Sunday Visitor) courtesy of your parish or diocese.
July 17, 2023
God of love, we are your creation; each person uniquely reflecting something of you. Open my eyes to see the glimmer of your glory in every person, be they family or stranger. Amen.   This content comes to you from Our Sunday Visitor courtesy of your parish or diocese.
July 17, 2023
Mt 10: 34—11:1 What Jesus is saying in the final verses of his ministry discourse is difficult. His disciples are going off on his Father’s mission. They need to understand that there will be conflict and that for them and all those they encounter their loyalty to Jesus must be above all else. Our family and friends are gifts to us,...
July 17, 2023
by: Maryann Gogniat Eidemiller When the first Sisters of Nazareth embraced the legacy of their founder Victoire Larmenier, they dedicated their lives to sharing the love of God through their ministries of care and education, and their “openness to the needs of the times.” The needs of caring for the elderly then in the...
July 16, 2023
Mt 13:1-23 The parable of the sower and seeds is the first part of Jesus’ parables about the kingdom. To make his point clear, Jesus uses images drawn from everyday life. The disciples question this teaching method. Jesus reminds them that they may not need the message spoken this way because they have the understanding that others do not....
July 15, 2023
Mt 10:24-33 Jesus tells his disciples that to become a disciple is to become like the master. He makes three points of encouragement each beginning with “Do not be afraid.” The kingdom of God will come, and the unbelievers will be revealed. Those who oppose you may destroy your bodies but not your souls. You will be judged by your...
July 14, 2023
Mt 10:16-23 Jesus continues to prepare the apostles for the mission by telling them what to expect. It will not be easy. Though they will encounter persecution, hatred and betrayal, they must remain confident in the Spirit who will give them what they need and vindicate them when God’s kingdom comes. In this world where lies and falsehoods...
July 14, 2023
by Father Joshua J. Whitfield The word of God is like seed, the soul like soil. Church fathers such as St. Basil the Great and Origen talked about something they called the logos spermatikos. A Stoic idea, changed a bit; for theologians like St. Basil the logos spermatikos was a gift given to believers by God,...
July 13, 2023
Mt 10:7-15 The apostles’ mission is an extension of Jesus’ mission. They are to preach the coming of God’s kingdom and heal the sick. Their discipleship is a gift that they are to extend to others. To focus fully on the work, they must let go of their own needs. Theirs will be taken care of. We thank you for calling us to...
July 12, 2023
Mt 10:1-7 Discipleship involves mission. Jesus’ disciples have witnessed not only his power but also his compassion toward the people. He passes on the authority he received from his Father. Jesus calls each of The Twelve by name and sends them out to preach, teach and heal. As the first were empowered to bring the people into relationship...
July 12, 2023
by Lisa M. Hendey (OSV News) In a world where the 24/7 news cycle offers a ceaseless tide of disasters, a natural Christian inclination has become a polarizing catchphrase. Whether the news is yet another senseless mass shooting, a disastrous act of nature, or the illness of a loved one, there’s a one-size-fits-all, yet real,...
July 11, 2023
Mt 9:32-38 Jesus drives the demon out of the man, and as a result, he can speak. The crowds are amazed at what they have witnessed. This stands in contrast to the Pharisees who ascribe Jesus’ power to Satan. Jesus continues his travels, teaching and healing. He feels great compassion for them. Their needs are great, as is the need for more...
July 10, 2023
The wonderful days of summer that you give us, Loving God, are here again! Thank you for your constant surprises of changing seasons and this exciting time of bright sunshine, vacations, different schedules, time to enjoy the outdoor world of sun, water and parks, friends and family things to do, outings and adventures. A world filled with so many inviting things . . . all from you, loving God. All calling us to grow, to have fun, and to get to know You better. Thank you, God! — Sister Janet Schaeffler, O.P. This article comes to you from Take Out (Our Sunday Visitor) courtesy of your parish or diocese.
July 10, 2023
by Peter Guzulaitis, Family Faith on the Go
July 10, 2023
Mt 9:18-26 Two healing miracles are intertwined in the Gospel today. Faith is central to both, the faith of the ruler whose daughter has died and the faith of the woman who has suffered for so long with an illness that separates her from community. Jesus acknowledges both and answers their plea. Unless we set up our own criteria, which we often...
July 10, 2023
by Katie Yoder A new initiative by pro-life groups promises to support pregnant women in emergency situations by providing accurate information and help from medical professionals. “The fact is there are many medical professionals on standby, right now, who are willing to assist mothers facing troubling information,” the...
July 9, 2023
Mt 11:25-30 Jesus praises the Father for his wisdom. God reveals himself to those who are open and receptive, generally those who are simple and uneducated. Discipleship is not measured by achievement or education. It is a pure gift to those willing to receive. The law is symbolized by a yoke. Rather than living life confused by scriptural...
July 8, 2023
Mt 9:14-17 The disciples of John the Baptist question Jesus about his followers. Why don’t they fast, as it is a practice required of devout Jewish people. Jesus’ response reveals a radical newness incompatible with their old forms of piety. It is like patching a cloak with old cloth or putting new wine into old wineskins. I have a...
July 7, 2023
Mt 9:9-13 The Gospel begins with Matthew’s call from Jesus to follow. He could be seen as an unlikely candidate for discipleship and yet he follows immediately. In the company of tax collectors and sinners, the Pharisees confront the disciples about Jesus choosing to have fellowship with such people. Jesus responds to this by telling them...
July 7, 2023
by Catherine Cavadini This Sunday, we jump right into the middle of a story taken from Matthew 11. In the first lines, Jesus is referring to “hidden things” that are only revealed to “little ones.” We might wonder: What are “these things” to which Christ is referring? And why are they revealed to...
July 6, 2023
Mt 9:1-8 Jesus heals the man of his paralysis but forgiving the sins of the man is what catches the attention of the scribes. To them it is blasphemy. God alone forgives. Jesus is acutely aware of what the scribes are thinking. He confronts them and sends the healed man on his way. May we always be in awe of your words and works and strive to...
July 5, 2023
Mt 8:28-34 The town Jesus comes to is afflicted by two men possessed by evil spirits. Jesus encounters them. The demons acknowledge who Jesus is addressing him by his divine title and tell him that he should not disturb them until the coming of the kingdom. They make a request of him, which Jesus grants. Those who witness this are fearful of...
July 5, 2023
by Sara Perla I listened to a podcast episode in which a Catholic man was sharing a story about how he started his company. He spoke passionately about “what God said” to him and how “God told him what he had to do.” And something about it really bothered me. I turned the podcast off in order to consider what it was...
July 4, 2023
Mt 8:23-27 Jesus, the Son of God, has power over all things as we see in today’s Gospel and those throughout the week. In the Gospel today, it is understandable that the disciples are frightened by the storm. Though they have begun to grow in faith they still have a long way to go. We find ourselves amid so many storms of nature and of...
July 3, 2023
excerpt from Fidelity: Remaining Faithful in Today’s World (OSV P1149)
July 3, 2023
Jn 20:24-29 Jesus understands that Thomas is not rejecting him. Because his faith is not strong enough, Thomas is unable to get past the loss and heartache to believe that Jesus is truly present. He wants proof. Jesus is compassionate toward his friends who deserted him and willing to help Thomas through his weakness to belief. Jesus, you lead...
July 3, 2023
by Justin McLellan VATICAN CITY (CNS) — In the mold of Sts. Peter and Paul, Catholics are called to be members of a church that constantly follows Jesus and proclaims his word by putting preaching at the center of its ministry, Pope Francis said. Dressed in red vestments to recall the apostles’ martyrdom, during his homily at a...
July 3, 2023
By Cathy Donovan I grew up in a very traditional home full of children. My dad “worked” and my mom didn’t. You get the picture. During the summer months we were expected to be — how should I put this — children. We had chores to do, but once those were done we were free to be, well, children. I often left the house...
July 2, 2023
Mt 10:37-42 Family ties are strong during Jesus’ time, which must have made the conditions of discipleship difficult to understand. Jesus is not attacking family but rather saying that relationship with him must be the priority even if it means a rupture in the family. You call us to follow you and in doing so we must realize that we are...
July 1, 2023
Mt 8:5-17 The centurion, though not Jewish, believes in Jesus’ healing power. Jesus sees that this man’s faith surpasses that of his own people. Jesus says the words and heals the centurion’ s servant. He goes on to heal Simon’s mother-in-law, who immediately gets up from her bed and serves the disciples. The healings...
June 30, 2023
By Father Joshua J. Whitfield “But I heard the voice of Jesus saying still to fight on.” That’s what Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. heard, as he tells the story, at one of his lowest moments, frightened early on in his battle for civil rights and worried for his family’s safety. He was scared and...
June 30, 2023
Mt 8:1-4 The healing of the man with leprosy in Matthew’s Gospel does not have a lot of detail. Though straight forward, the point is well made. The man approaches Jesus and addresses him in a way that reveals the depth of his understanding. Jesus offers a healing touch and then in accordance with the Mosaic law sends the man to the...
June 29, 2023
Mt 16:13-19 In the reading from the letter to Timothy we hear Paul’s testimony near the end of his mission and life to all that Jesus has done for him. In Matthew’s Gospel Jesus asks the very personal question, “Who do you say that I am?” and Peter, the spokesperson, responds. Though his answer is in some sense on behalf of the others, it is a very personal confession, profession of belief. Jesus commissions Peter, the Rock. Sts. Peter and Paul, pray for us as we strive to live out the vision and mission of Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God. This content comes to you from Our Sunday Visitor courtesy of your parish or diocese.
June 28, 2023
Mt 7:15-20 Jesus cautions his disciples about those who seem to have good intentions. Is there genuine truth and integrity in what they say and do? He tells them to be prudent and look carefully at the effects of their work, a good indicator of their character. We pray for the continued strengthening of the gifts and fruits of your Spirit within us. May our words and actions spring forth from all you give us. St. Irenaeus, pray for us. This content comes to you from Our Sunday Visitor courtesy of your parish or diocese.
June 28, 2023
by Father Patrick Briscoe One joy of priesthood is accompanying young couples as they prepare for marriage. Two summers ago, I served as a chaplain during a program for Catholic undergraduates. The students worked demanding jobs in hospitality at a National Park and dedicated their off hours to prayer, study and living in intentional...
June 27, 2023
Mt 7:6, 12-14 The Gospel passage begins with Jesus’ words about those who oppose the gospel. He goes on to say that the “golden rule” summarizes Old Testament tradition and concludes with reference to the “two ways”: one that leads to life; the other to destruction. Not everyone chooses the way to life.   Though I may not be able to crack the hard exterior of some, I must not stop praying for them confident in your ability to break through and touch their hearts.   This content comes to you from Our Sunday Visitor courtesy of your parish or diocese.
June 26, 2023
By Lorene Hanley Duquin, Take Out: Family Faith on the Go
June 26, 2023
Mt 7:1-5 Jesus warns his followers to avoid behavior often ascribed to the Jewish leaders. Jesus tells them to let God be the judge. Focusing on the faults of others will prevent them from seeing and overcoming their own faults. As disciples they do have the responsibility to correct and challenge others gone astray but they must first acknowledge their own sin. When I stand in judgment of other’s actions, I lose sight of the good in them. Let me see what you see and when necessary, guide them lovingly in the right direction.   This content comes to you from Our Sunday Visitor courtesy of your parish or diocese.
June 26, 2023
By Lorene Hanley Duquin Summer is a wonderful time to explore new adventures and create entirely new habits. Integrating prayer into the everyday routine is as simple as praising God in the morning and thanking God at night. Below are some quick and easy ways to introduce your family to the Catholic tradition of morning and evening prayer. Kids...
June 26, 2023
by Katie Yoder Ahead of his ordination to the priesthood, Deacon Andrew Crabtree remembers clearly the moment he offered his life to God. “I remember one day I was at Mass and I was frustrated with work, frustrated with everything,” he told Our Sunday Visitor. “I just remember kneeling down right before Mass and...
June 25, 2023
Matthew 10:26-33 Three times Jesus tells his disciples not to be afraid. It is fear that could cause them to abandon the mission. God’s kingdom will come, revealing the hypocrisy of those who oppose them. God will care for those who witness to him. We pray that we have the courage to remain faithful to God’s mission to which he has called us. This content comes to you from Our Sunday Visitor courtesy of your parish or diocese.
June 25, 2023
Matthew 10:26-33 Three times Jesus tells his disciples not to be afraid. It is fear that could cause them to abandon the mission. God’s kingdom will come, revealing the hypocrisy of those who oppose them. God will care for those who witness to him. We pray that we have the courage to remain faithful to God’s mission to which he has called us. This content comes to you from Our Sunday Visitor courtesy of your parish or diocese.
June 24, 2023
Lk 1:57-66, 80 John is born. His conception and birth are miraculous as is his father Zechariah’s regaining his power of speech once naming his child as the angel instructed. The people are in awe of these events, perhaps aware of a deeper meaning that will one day be revealed. St. John, you prepared the way for the coming of God’s son. Pray for us that we prepare well the way for his return. This content comes to you from Our Sunday Visitor courtesy of your parish or diocese.
June 23, 2023
Mt 6:19-23 Jesus contrasts material possessions that are easily destroyed with relationship with God, the eternal treasure. Choosing the latter is the key to holiness. Jesus tells the disciples that the eyes are the pathway to the soul. Healthy and holy spiritual vision leads to faithfulness and obedience to God. I pray for the strength to recognize the distractions for what they are and the strength to push them away. Keep me focused on you, my God.   This content comes to you from Our Sunday Visitor courtesy of your parish or diocese.
June 23, 2023
by Catherine Cavadini Fear of the Lord. This is a phrase particular to Scripture. It does not mean to literally be afraid of the Lord, but to have awe or reverence for God. Part of having proper reverence for God is the ability to recognize God as God. Once we know God, we come to know ourselves more truly. St....
June 22, 2023
Mt 6:7-15 Jesus tells his disciples that when they pray, they are not to set quantity of words before the quality of their prayer. The Father knows before they even ask what they need. Jesus teaches them a prayer with petitions expressing faith and dependence. As you forgive us, we must be willing to forgive others. Sometimes, it is difficult. Help us to get beyond our limitations and to do as you do. This content comes to you from Our Sunday Visitor courtesy of your parish or diocese.

Daily Reading and Prayer

A spiritual reflection on the daily readings that help cultivate a pattern of daily prayer and a deepening relationship with God

Jesus heals


July, 2023

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